Speech and Language

A Speech Therapist (also known as a Speech and Language Pathologist or an SLP) diagnoses and treats a variety of speech, language, communication and swallowing disorders.

If a child has difficulty communicating or comprehending speech, nonverbal communication, or written language, or if a child has learning difficulties, he or she may benefit from speech therapy. Feeding difficulties are often treated by a Speech Therapist as well.

Professionals are Prompt Technique® trained. Professionals are certified in The Listening Program®.

Speech Therapy can help with the following areas of speech and language:

  • Articulation – the ability to make clear sounds
  • Fluency – the flow of speech (an example of dysfluency is a stutter)
  • Resonance – refers to the volume and quality of speech as affected by air flow through the oral and nasal cavities
  • Receptive language – the ability to understand/ receive language or communication
  • Expressive language – the ability to express language/ communicate
  • Pragmatic language – social language skills such as body language and taking turns in a conversation
Speech Therapy

Your pediatrician may choose to refer your child for speech therapy if he/she is diagnosed with:

  • Autism
  • Cleft lip and palate
  • Developmental delays
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Dyslexia
  • Learning disability
  • No diagnosis- speech or language delays without a formal diagnosis may still qualify for therapy